COVID-19 says STOP and PAUSE for a While

COVID-19 is telling us obviously to STOP and PAUSE for a while. This is a very CLEAR message to everyone.

We live in a crazy hectic world from physical life to our social media life. Everyone is too busy with something and only NOW that we have this chance to STOP.

COVID-19 produced a bad and a good impact in our lives. Just look around you. Today we experienced a different lifestyle from our usual day-to-day activities. Families are coming together. This is the only moment where everyone is concerned with EVERYBODY. We are concerned because of ourselves; we are concerned because of them too. This is the time to be lazy, not to worry for tomorrow’s deadline, not to rush for your appointments and not to worry if your kids, siblings or husband/wife will be home soon, not to worry of the traffic and many others. Isn’t amazing? Finding good amidst the chaos.

Did you know that is is the best occasion to spend your time in solitude? To talk with GOD and to be able to give your body a timeout it seriously needed for a long time. Listen to your body, listen to others, listen to your surroundings, and listen to GOD.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Pray in SOLITUDE. Solitude is the state of being alone, is often considered one of the traditional spiritual disciplines. Many times it is associated with SILENCE.

The idea is to be alone with GOD, to pray, to meditate on His words, and to simply enjoy His presence. We never had this LONGEST moment to be STILL.

Some people use solitude as a way to distance themselves from the distractions of the world, acknowledge the interior of their hearts, and hear God speak.
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am GOD.”

Biblically speaking, solitude is a valuable practice. “Alone time” with God can allow God to examine us. It can be a time of knowing God more deeply, a time of strengthening, a time of refreshment, a time of sharing our deepest concerns with God, and a time of simply being with the One who formed us and loves us beyond our understanding.

The best example is Jesus, who “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16). Jesus, God Incarnate, spent time alone with His Father. We see Him seeking out solitude after performing miracles (Mark 1:35), in times of grief (Matthew 14:13), before choosing the twelve apostles (Luke 6:12–13), in His distress in Gethsemane (Luke 22:39–44), and at other times.

THIS IS THE MOMENT. COVID-19 is teaching us a beautiful lesson and giving us a rare opportunity to change our daily routines.

Spend time in contemplative prayer. Listen to your heart, listen to your soul, as you listen to GOD.

Look around you, find GOD in everything and acknowledge His presence.

All this will end very soon, just TRUST GOD the ALMIGHTY.

COVID-19 says STOP and Pause for a while
by Pinoy Blogger Prince


The question is: How to stop absorbing negative energy from other people?

EMPATHY is the ability to recognize and feel other peoples emotions.

SYMPATHY  is feeling compassion for other people.

Often times to be an “empath” means that you are absorbing much of the pain and suffering in your environment, which can sacrifice your ability to function at a high level.

5 Ways To Stop Absorbing Negative Energy

If you have ever been in a room with a negative person, you know just how toxic their energy can be. Learning to stop absorbing negative energy from others is such a great spiritual skill to have. Here are five ways to stop absorbing negative energy:

1. Remember, you can’t please everyone.
If someone is bullying you, complaining about you, or dissing you, do not make it your mission to try to convince that person to like you.  This will only suck you deeper into that energy field and will make you energetically dependent on their opinion of you.

Not everyone is going to like you. Everyone on earth is living here for a different purpose. By loving yourself first, you will create a forcefield around other peoples opinions that will protect you from being so drained by their opinions.

Also remember, you can’t change everyone. Don’t make it your mission to fix them in that moment either. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is not try to change them but to just not feed the energy that they are projecting at you.

2. Be careful who you invite into your life.
Your body, mind and direct environment is your temple. Who are you inviting in? Is it an open invitation? Do people even have to wipe their feet clean before walking around or is it ok if they drag mud onto your soul? In Brazil there is a slang word called folgado. The direct meaning is “loose” or “lazy” but it really means “freeloader”. There is not exact english equivalent though because it is a mentality even more than a lifestyle.

If you give a person a piece of bread one day, they will be asking for the loaf the next. If you let someone stay for a weekend, they will then try to stay the week (or two!). I once thought my sister was cold and mean spirited towards some of our neighbors. Once I realized she was merely respecting herself and her home, I valued her direction and adopted it as my own.

It is great to be generous but there is a fine line to work with so you are not being trampled on, thus disabling you from helping those who truly need it. Learn to say “no” and to be OK with that.

3. Stop paying attention.
A parasite needs a host to survive.

When you pay attention to somebody else, you are giving them energy. Whatever you focus on grows and energy vampires will steal your thoughts – decreasing your energy levels. Some people will dump their energy onto you and then drive on to the next pit stop. A friendly ear can be a wonderful thing but there is, again, a line that does not need to be crossed.

Perhaps you’ve found yourself being the source for a person to relay their frustrations at work, a relationship or even successful accomplishments. All of these emotions can drain you in various ways and cause you to measure your own life in ways that are not productive.

Love yourself enough to tune them out, tell them to stop, or tell them you can’t handle it right now.  It’s not mean of you to reject their toxic energy.

4. Breathe in nature.
Go into nature, meditate, relax and breathe. Purify the water within yourself, exercise and float easy. Like a butterfly, float gently but move fast. Breathing increases the bloodflow circulation around the body and will help prevent to absorb energy from those around you. Walk with confidence, keep your head up and don’t allow anyone to make you feel inferior. A caterpillar eats everything around it and becomes fat, immobile. It must first become light in order to fly.

5. Take 100% responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.
How you feel is 100% your own responsibility. The universe is sending people into your life to test us. The perception we have of ourselves is greater than the perception others have of us. You are not a victim, nobody has power over you.  Consider how your thoughts or expectations may have manifested the situation that is bothering you.  What if the answer lies within your level of patience, irritability, or compassion? Unless we take the time to look, we subconsciously affirm our own victimization to the world around us.

Once you hold yourself accountable and responsible for the way you choose to respond to something, you connect with yourself on a deeper level.  When you are connected to yourself on a deeper level, you don’t get knocked off your center as easily.

Place yourself in situations that boost your own energies. Does this person make you feel good? Do you make that person feel good? You are worthy of a brilliant experience and it is time to realize that fact.  Learning to protect yourself against other people’s energies starts with self-love.  Remember that you are worth of happiness and peace, it’s OK to say no. and you are the author of your own energetic state.

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